Deck Inspections:
If you need a deck inspection we can help give you a overview of the deck and the overall conditions. With our inspections there is no conflict of interest since we do not perform any repairs. We are trained to look at the condition of the deck and all systems and components. We can also identify the approximate remaining life of the deck and components.
Decks are a great feature of any home, however deck age, wear, substandard workmanship, and antiquated building practices can pose potential concerns. We will evaluate the visible condition of the framing, support posts, ledger attachment, and flashing. We will also evaluate the condition of any railing and note potential safety concerns. There are many decking styles, designs and materials which have various maintenance requirements and concerns. Wood decks can show premature wear from power washing, while some composite decks have been recalled. Higher decks can pose safety concerns due to inadequate posts, ledger attachments, or component rot.
We have extensive experience building decks and training about decks, and will educate you about maintenance, and potential problems and safet concerns. We may suggest improvements, including safety concerns, as well as how to improve the remaining life of the deck.