Commercial Marinas & Residential Dock/Piers and Seawalls
We inspect both Commercial Marinas and residential Piers, Docks, Seawalls. With our skills, tools and experience we are able to inspect below the pier surface for framing, plumbing and electrical conditions. We can also inspect the pilings below the water level with the use of underwater cameras.
Conditions Reported On:
The condition of the pilings (where visible and may be limited to turbidity of the water)
The framed structure
The bolting methods
The decking and condition
Materials used
Trip concerns
The overall structural condition
Plumbing (when present)
Electrical (when present)
Boat lifts (when present)
We use underwater cameras to look under the surface of the pier and down the pilings when the water is not too turbid. Bulkheads/Seawalls:
Conditions Reported On:
The overall condition
The materials used
Lifts when present
Safety concerns
Signs of any visible failure
Adjacent sinkholes
Please verify that all of the systems are turned on, including water and electricity to the dock, or we will not be able to operate or evaluate these systems.
Pier & Seawall Inspection Protecoals and Levels:
Inspection Limitation: We are limited to evaluating the condition of any of the seawalls or pier components below grade or the water level at the time of the inspection. We cannot predict how future storm surges, tidal damage, or ice damage may affect the remaining life or condition of the wall. Recommend routinely monitoring the condition of the protection barrier and if any changes occur such as soil loss, erosion, leaning, or failing systems, repairs will be needed. If we can use an underwater camera water turbidity can limit evaluation of the pilings and other components. We cannot determine if the pilings have been driven to an adequate depth through this limited evaluation. There is no warranty or guarantee for the remaining life of the systems or components. Due to marine growth certain limitations may apply and impede evaluation of wooden surfaces.
Level 1 Pier Inspection: A level 1 inspection on the pier is a limited representative visual evaluation from the surface of the pier/dock and seawall only, also referred to as a dry-side inspection. Evaluation of the integrity of the internal condition of the pilings and other framing components is limited to random probing from the surface of the pier/dock. A limited representative visual evaluation is performed when multiple components such as pilings, electrical panels, and other equipment. No special testing equipment or underwater cameras are used.
Level 2 Pier Inspection: We performed a level 2 inspection on the pier, which is a limited representative visual evaluation and includes a level 1 plus the following. Evaluation of the integrity of the internal condition of the pilings and other framing components is limited. A limited representative visual evaluation is performed when multiple components such as pilings, electrical panels, and other equipment. The condition of the pilings below the dock surface will be evaluated by probing and tapping above the water line. With the use of an underwater camera, the condition of the framing, electrical, and plumbing below the surface of the pier/dock will be evaluated (water level dependent)/ The pilings will randomly be evaluated below the water level with the use of the underwater camera (turbidity of the water-dependent). A level 2 Inspection is the default inspection offered and performed.
Level 3 Pier Inspection: A level 3 Inspection includes the above: both levels 1 and 2, where the piling conditions are specified in the report and where a representative number of pilings can be drilled to evaluate the structural integrity of pilings at risk or show signs of decay. Where there are multiple electrical panels and equipment each would be opened and evaluated and specifically identified.
Seller Documentation: We recommend verifying that all permits were obtained for any improvements such as seawalls, piers, and other structures near or on the waterway.
Routine Maintenance: Due to environmental concerns the decking will require routine repairs and replacement.
Lighting: Recommend maintaining or installing lighting for improved night safety for return navigation and safety purposes.
Navigation and Water Depth: We offer no opinion on the navigability of any waterways or water depth at the pier.